We are glad to announce that Lifeliqe’s Virtual Reality is coming to libraries across the United States. Currently, state-wide pilots are being introduced in California and Nevada, among others. Therefore we’re happy to be present at the annual Californian Library Association (CLA) conference in Santa Clara in November 9 – 11th.
Where exactly to find us there? Look for booth number 104, where you will find Mark Andersen, Lifeliqe’s co-founder and president. He will be always eager to guide you through our 3D, VR, AR and MR experiences. You’ll be also able to learn more about other solutions presented by XRLibraries – our partner for the library segment, focusing mostly on XR (an umbrella term for AR, VR and MR).
The theme of the CLA conference for this year’s is “No Barriers. No Walls. Access for All!”. We have happily welcomed the theme, because it fits greatly with the use of our VR app. As we experienced in the classrooms and libraries, where the Lifeliqe VR Museum is being used, the VR has a great potential to make learning much more accessible to disadvantaged students and students with special needs.